Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Ok......I'm weak......I'll admit!

Well, today marks a momentus day in the history of our adoption.

At the beginning of this adoption process, I said that I would not call, email, text, or carrier pigeon our adoption consultant asking what number I am on the waiting list. I had made up my mind that I was strong and independent and did not need a "majic number" to make me feel better.

Today.....in a moment of weakness, I broke down and emailed Nicky. I DID, indeed ask for the "majic number". Her response was far from what I wanted to hear. I wanted to hear that I was in the top ten and that I could be expecting a call anyday. What she DID say, was that we are number 31 on the over all list. She said that we can expect a referral toward the beginning of summer and possibly travel in early Fall. Fall is good....I like Fall.

So.....to those who are sitting in disbelief and shock over my actions today.....I apologize. I was weak!

1 comment:

  1. It's not weakness...it is Mommy-love!! And pre-planning...gotta know what clothes to buy for the new baby, right?!?!?...winter, summer...makes a big difference!!! LOL!!!
