Thursday, November 5, 2009

A replenished hope.....

This week has been pretty quiet. It is a stark contrast to last week which was full of activity and "stuff". However, I have a new, renewed hope this week as some great things happened in that busy week.

First of all, I met a wonderful new friend. Well, I actually met her over the summer but had the chance to really get to know her this past weekend. They are adopting TWO munchkins from Russia and I have been so inspired and moved by their families committment to adoption. Thank you Lord for new friends.

Then, we had a successful adoption fundraiser dinner! We were able to raise $2100 and added to our $1000 grant, we are $3100 closer to getting our baby! Praise God for people's willingness to give.

Finally, our dear, dear friends, the Simmons', were blessed with their referral this week! They sent their dossier in one week before us!! It is so exciting that they are already considering this incredible little boy. He is 4 years old and such a DOLL! It helped to remind me that MY TURN IS COMING and I will be able to look into the eyes of my new son or daughter! I can't wait!

Well, that's about all for now....but someday........

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