Saturday, September 12, 2009

Day with the Family

I love my Saturdays with my family! I know that many times I gripe and complain because it seems like my entire weekends are filled to the brim with baseball, football, and errands. Many weekends I long for a day to stay in bed, watch tv, and be selfish. However, today I stopped and really looked at my kids. They are such beautiful and well behaved children. They are kind, considerate, gentle, funny, and loving. I watched Mo dance at TGIFridays. I watched Zeke giggle at silly things that only Zeke would find funny. I realized that this IS how I love to spend my Saturdays. This IS who I love being with. This IS who I am and want to be!

1 comment:

  1. I know what you mean. When my son graduated from high school in 2008, I looked at him and wondered where all the time went. He asked me what was wrong and I told him, it seemed like I was just changing his diapers. Now he is a focused young man, a true blessing. So, stop and take a deep breath. They don't stay children for long. Enjoy them.
