Friday, September 11, 2009

Welcome to my blog...

Welcome to my first blog entry. I will try and keep up with this. However, I can get a little behind on things. I will do my best. Let me catch you all up to date if you don't know what is going on in our world.

We are the Arthurs. There are four of us....hence the title of the blog. However, we are waiting to go to a family of five! (I don't know what I am going to do about the blog when this happens!) Jeremy is working for the utility company that he has worked at for 13 years. He is a wonderful husband and father and also coaches Zeke's baseball team. Zeke is 9 years old and in the fourth grade now. He is an excellent, straight A student. He is involved in so many things: Baseball, Basketball, Football, Violin, FINS swim program, KidsBlast Children's Program, and much more. We are so proud of the little man that he is becoming and can't wait until he becomes a big brother AGAIN! Moraeah (Mo) is 5 years old. She missed the kindergarten cutoff by 3 days, therefore, is enjoying her last year with me! She is going to preschool 2 days per week and doing awesome. She recently started riding a bike with no training wheels, so this is something new and exciting for her!! She is also in dance and gymnastics and doing VERY well. She is a natural athlete and is very coordinated. We are also so proud of all of her accomplishments. Being a big sister will be a new adventure for her, but one that I am sure she will do well with! I can hardly wait.

And me?? Well, I am still working as a parent educator for Parents As Teachers. This is my 8th year of this. I love my families and children that I work with. I thank God that they are so supportive of my efforts to adopt and have been a very good support network. I am also working at Curves. This is a women's fitness center where I live. I have loved this job. I am again so thankful for the wonderful women I have gotten to meet. Besides all that....I just take care of the family.

Well, I hope you will follow my blog as we wait for our new little one to arrive. Please keep our family in your prayers. It is not an easy thing to wait indefinately for your child to come. However, we believe that God's timing is perfect and will be perfect when he (or she!) comes.


  1. My son missed the cut off by 5 days, but I'd much rather him be the oldest than the youngest in his class! :o) Great job with the blog!

  2. Yea! You have a blog!!! I'm so excited!!!! Hopefully we can keep in closer contact now that we both have blogs! :0)
